Sakura Cafe

Sakura cafe & restaurant is found at Sakura Hotels in Tokyo. Featuring international cuisines and varieties of beer from all over the world, Enjoy our unique global atmosphere. It is a good hanging out place to relax, eat and drink with your friends and have fun. Open 24hours, Free Wi-Fi, breakfast at 4:30 in the morning for hotel guests.
About Tohoku bokujo
In the vast site overlooking the Hakkoda mountain range in Aomori Prefecture, Tohoku Farm uses compost from the breeding of thoroughbreds, horses and chickens for vegetable cultivation, and produces not only safe and secure vegetables and eggs that are full of the goodness of the Tohoku region. Sakura Cafe's special seasonal menu includes vegetables and herbs grown without the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers or herbicides, eggs from home-grown corn-fed, flat-farmed chickens, natural wild vegetables and wild herbs.
~ blessings of nature ~ Wild herbs from Tohoku bokujo
No pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used at Tohoku bokujo, where wildf herbs grow freely in each season. The wildf herbs are highly nutritious and have been used as a valuable medicinal herb since ancient times, and we want more people to enjoy them. Sakura Cafe offers a highly original menu of food, desserts and tea using wild herbs.
World Traveler's Whimsical Cuisine

The food from all over the world! Enjoy the world cuisine as you travel.

Sakura Cafe & Restaurant IKEBUKURO
Unique bistro cafe with a global atmosphere, more than 60 beers from worldwide.

Sakura Cafe HATAGAYA
Unique bistro cafe with a global atmosphere, more than 60 beers from worldwide.

Sakura Cafe JIMBOCHO
Unique bistro cafe with a global atmosphere, more than 60 beers from worldwide.

Sakura Cafe NIPPORI
Unique bistro cafe with a global atmosphere, more than 60 beers from worldwide.

Sakura Cafe ASAKUSA
An international cafe serving interesting drinks and food from around the world in a lounge that attracts travelers from all over the world.